Alpro Soya Milk 1L
Alpro soya Milk gives you all the plant-based goodness original soya beans. Its subtle sweet taste is a great way to start your day - brighten up your breakfast by pouring it onto cereal, into your morning cup of tea or coffee or whizzing into a smoothie. Start your day the lighter way!
- Source of fibre
- Subtle sweet taste yet low in sugars
- Source of high-quality soya protein
- Contains vitamins B2, B12 and D
- Gluten free.
- Subtle sweet taste yet low in sugars
- Nutritious and a source of high-quality soya protein
- Easy to digest as it is naturally lactose free & gluten free
- Naturally low in saturated fat
- A source of calcium, just like milk. Contains vitamins B2, B12 and D.
- Non-GMO. (Proterra certified)